Wednesday, March 14, 2012

marching along in March

Jerry teaches at Lanna Theological Center part-time. This is one of his students to whom he teaches Greek.
This month I will write about some of the things we do extra, besides our work at Philokalia.  Lanna Theological Center is a small Bible College close to our land. We are under the same foundation and work closely together.   We attended a going away dinner for two of the Thai teachers who are leaving the school.  This is a picture of Jerry talking to David A Filbeck  after dinner.  Jerry is on the right.
Jerry was also invited to preach at a NgoChang/JingPaw service. Wiilai who is a former student translated for Jerry. This is her husband sitting next to Jerry.  He also had a part in the service.

This was a husband/wife duet in the Jing-Paw language. The song was about the 23rd Psalm.

Wiilai and Jerry bringing the message. Above is a video I put on of the beginning of the sermon. Jerry is preaching in Thai, and Wiilai is translating into both NgoChang and JingPaw.